Custom part machined from aluminium flat bar on Hyundai machining centre

Housing machined from aluminium flat bar on Hyundai machining centre

Custom extrusion face plate (inside & outside) machined from aluminium flat bar on Hyundai machining centre

Elliptical extrusion end caps (left & right sided) machined from aluminium flat bar on Hyundai machining centre

Custom aluminium gate and raked fence panel, manually welded

Standard aluminium stanchion for handrail welded by ABB Robot

Side-mount aluminium stanchion for handrail welded by ABB Robot

Aluminium base plate welded to extrusion at 35 degrees by ABB robot

Slots cut by Pertici profile router into 3.9m long aluminium box section

Laser etched samples machined on Hyundai from aluminium flat bar

Pins machined on Hyundai machining centre from stainless steel round bar

Ellipses cut in 3.2m long aluminium extrusion with Pertici profile router

Housings machined from aluminium flat bar on Hyundai machining centre in-house. External powder coating arranged by Roboweld

Laser etched stainless steel machined on Hyundai & Okuma machining centres

Housing machined from aluminium square bar on Hyundai machining centre

Holes cut in aluminium extrusion with Pertici profile router

Housing machined from aluminium flat bar on Hyundai machining centre

Holes cut in aluminium extrusion with Pertici profile router

Aluminium extrusion endcaps machined from flat bar on Hyundai machining centre - chamfered edges allow for better results from powder coating

Parts fabricated from custom curve aluminium extrusion & flat bar - machined, manually welded and final assembly in-house. External anodising arranged by Roboweld

Aluminium post welded by ABB Robot

Base plates cut from aluminium flat bar & machined on Hyundai machining centre